Quality Management
Quality Assurance
Quality assurance is process oriented and focuses on defect prevention. Our quality assurance activities are determined before production work begins and these activities are performed during the course of product development.
We perform a number of quality tests on our raw materials:
- Soda Ash is tested for purity and percentage of sodium oxide.
- Potassium Carbonate is tested for purity and percentage of potassium oxide.
- Silica Sand is tested to determine percentage of SiO2, iron content and other ingredients. Physical testing includes moisture and sieve analysis.
Quality control
Quality control is product oriented and focuses on defect identification. Quality control activities are performed after the product is developed.
Our quality control team aims to identify (and correct) defects in the finished product by eliminating problems at the source, and there by ensuring that customer’s requirements are continually met.
- Weight Ratio of Silicates: To determin concentration of Soda Ash and Silica Sand in Silicates. e the (Na2O : SiO2)
- Baume : To determine the specific gravity of Silicates.