Sodium Silicates
Sodium Silicate is manufactured by fusing soda ash and high purity silica sand in open hearth furnace at temperatures of 1400 degrees Celsius.
Potassium Silicates
Potassium Silicates are a family of chemicals with a range of physical and chemical properties.
Silicate Manufacturing Process
With the furnace process, soda Ash (Na2CO3) or Potassium Carbonate K2CO3 and sand are fused at temperatures over 2400 °F.
Captain Industries is a leading producer of Silicates in Pakistan. Founded in 1951 in Karachi, the company today has several manufacturing facilities serving local and global customers. Our corporate culture is one of dedication, respect, integrity, fairness and continuous improvement. We measure our success by our customers’ successes.
Silicate Applications
- soaps and Detergents
For enhanced performance
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of detergent system. - Packaging
As an adhesive which is
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resistant to pilferage
vermin heat & moisture. - Metals
As a low cost binder
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for molding sand. - Drilling Fluids
As an easy to use, safe to
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handle environmentally
friendly product for
well bore stability.